Spring has Sprung
Congratulations! You’ve made it through winter (perhaps even your first as a hoya collector). Hopefully there haven’t been too many HDITF (hoya deaths in the family) and if there have, take heart. Hoya collectors aren’t born with green thumbs, we develop them over time, learning from our mistakes and listening better to what our hoya tell us.

Get ready for spring
The terrible weather (let’s face it, the last month has been a shocker) has meant more time inside so it’s a great time to give your hoya a health check and get ready for Spring growth.
In this month’s blog we’re going to cover this off, and, do a deep dive into coco coir vs fern fibre.
But first, want to acknowledge the passing last week of one of the world’s hoya collecting pioneers, Ted Green.

Happy Birthday Mr Hummel
119 years ago today, Edward Hummel (known as ‘Mr Hummel’ even by close family members, including his wife) was born and he played a key part in the Hoya genus’ botanical legacy as a hybridiser and importer of hybrids from the tropics into California.

Fertilisers… Food for thought
At HoyaHoya.nz we want every collector to have a beautiful collection of Hoya that brings them joy. And being the hoya nerds that we are, we’ve spent a lot of time researching just what your hoya needs to pump out luscious leaves and simply stunning flowers.

Winter 2022
It’s the 1st of June and the start of winter in our corner of the South Pacific. Here are our top tips for Hoya care over winter…