Happy Birthday Mr Hummel
119 years ago today, Edward Hummel (known as ‘Mr Hummel’ even by close family members, including his wife) was born and he played a key part in the Hoya genus’ botanical legacy as a hybridiser and importer of hybrids from the tropics into California.
His early years were difficult. His father died when he was young and he grew up during the Great Depression. He enrolled in the navy in order to secure an education and became inspired by the tropical gardens of South America and Mexico that he visited on Shore leave.
His luck changed when he met Minnie Belle Byrne, who later became his wife.
Mr Hummel wanted to lead an interesting life with few worries while obtaining much pleasure from the nursery business that was initially established by his wife Minnie Belle around 1930.
1935 changed the family’s fortunes after Mr Hummel entered his collection of imported cacti in the Cactus and Succulent Society of America Show, scooping the sweepstakes and 20 ribbons. Later that year, Minnie Belle entered a magazine competition and included a photo of their cactus garden. Hundreds of hobbyist collectors tracked them down, desperate to secure an exotic cactus. A mail-order business was born that then went on to sell millions of seeds and seedlings. It became so popular that they had to cease distribution of their catalogue as they were unable to keep up with demand. Rapid plant production, using grafting techniques, was critical to their success.
Minnie Belle Hummel and the family cactus patch that changed the family’s fortunes.
The majority of the plants that they sold or used for hybridising originated from The Tropics and the nursery was named ‘Hummel’s Exotic Gardens’. Seedlings and grafting results with unusual characteristics were identified and nurtured until the unusual characteristics were stabilised. It was very much a family business with the Hummel’s children and siblings all working in the nursery, propagating and packing. Minnie Belle’s sister Iris managed the nursery records for more than 30 years.
Despite being expert and acclaimed Cactus growers, and beloved Hoya hybridisers, it was actually Bromeliads that were their true love. They developed their knowledge and skill to expert level and were nationally recognised for their contributions, including winning awards for outstanding contributions to horticulture.
The Hummels introduced some of NZ’s most popular and loved hoya through this process including:
Hoya carnosa ‘compacta’ (formerly nick named Hindu rope)
Hoya carnosa ‘Exotica’
Hoya bella (outer variegated)
The love and partnership between Mr Hummel and Minnie Belle was enduring and Mr Hummel created Hoya cv ‘Minnie Belle’ (often mislabelled in NZ as MiniBelle) as a tribute to his wife. Hoya cv ‘Minnie Belle’ is a hybridisation of Hoya carnosa and Hoya sheperdii.
Mr Hummel’s hybridisation legacy continues to feature in the collections of bromeliad, cactus, and hoya lovers around the globe.
We keep Hoya cv ‘Mini Belle’ in our personal collection because it is a lovely hoya that represents the best features of both Hoya carnosa and Hoya sheperdii with her super long length and speckling flecks on her leaves. It’s also our tribute to the pioneering hybridisation work of Mr Hummel.
If you don’t have one in your collection, consider adding one today. In celebration of Mr Hummel’s birthday & contribution to horticulture, today we are giving away a beautiful matching cover pot with every Hoya cv ‘Minnie Belle’ purchased (until July 25 or while stocks last). Click here to get yours now (Priced from $35).
PS – Don’t forget that our amazing Fertiliser combo deal ends July 31st. Click here to receive your free Groconut with every combo pack purchased.
PPS – Welly folks – Don’t forget to come and say Hi to us at the Wellington Women’s Lifestyle Expo on Sat 23rd and Sun 24th July. Discounted tickets available here.
Photos courtesy of The American Cactus and Succulent Society.